What’s your area of work?


Driving in traffic is the riskiest thing many people do while at work. Most people are not aware of this. Sales persons, pizza deliverers, plumbers, computer consultants, midwives and many others are at risk of having a road accident whenever they drive for work. 


From road maintenance to litter collection, many different work activities are carried out on or near a road, and each is associated with a unique set of risk factors. However, one risk factor dominates: interaction with road traffic.


Workplace transport or load handling (the use of a vehicle or other moveable equipment, by an employer, worker, self-employed person or visitor) is one of the main causes of accidents in the workplace. A high proportion of workplace transport accidents, e.g. related to load handling, involve non-drivers, that is people who have no direct control of the vehicle or equipment.

Or filter according to your interests

The main part of this guide consists of good practice examples for you to learn from. To find the good practices that are applicable to you we have tagged them by vehicle and by risk.

What’s your role?

Did you Know?

The UK Highways Agency reports that four workers have died in the first half of 2005 – compared with just one death in the whole of 2004. ‘Everyone is entitled to a safe workplace, yet road workers risk death and injury at work every day [and night] making sure our roads remain safe and in good condition.’

Maintenance of highways is responsible for the highest individual risk of employees in Switzerland. The risk to be killed or injured is 10 to 100 times as high as the mean risks for workers.

Injuries to road workers in New South Wales, Australia, cost more than AUD 100 million a year.