Seven questions will address your current practices with regard to dangerous
substances and
chemical products. If improvements are needed, you will immediately get tips on what you need to do and on how you can do it as easily and efficiently as possible.
When you have completed the seven questions, you may choose to continue with the longer questionnaire. This will allow a more accurate analysis of the rules applicable to the relevant
chemical products and dangerous
substances. You will also receive tips and advice tailored to your company on procedures for the safe handling of
chemicals and good practice measures.
- 1. Do you know which risks with dangerous substances may occur at your work places and have you documented the risks?
- 2. Hazard pictograms – if you have products with these labels, are the labels understood?
- 3. Have you got a list of the chemical products in use or stored in your company?”
- 4. Do you use and understand the Safety Data Sheets?
- 5. Are dangerous substances generated in any process in your enterprise?
- 6. Are the workers aware of the risks with the chemical products and do they know how to work safely and how to protect themselves?
- 7. Has any of your employees had health complaints or has been ill due to exposure to dangerous substances present or used in your business?