Dangerous Substances e-tool
Find and reduce the safety and health hazards associated with dangerous substances and chemical products in workplaces within your company.
You can either start with a very short (Quick Start) questionnaire with seven questions or immediately start with a more detailed questionnaire of 36 questions. If you use the long questionnaire, you can save your answers and continue later. Once you have completed the long questionnaire, you can print a report, ‘My Chemical Guide’ that includes your answers, a to-do checklist and recommendations for good practices and measures.
My Chemical Guide — Quick Start
When you have completed the seven questions, you may choose to continue with the longer questionnaire. This will allow a more accurate analysis of the rules applicable to the relevant chemical products and dangerous substances. You will also receive tips and advice tailored to your company on procedures for the safe handling of chemicals and good practice measures.
My Chemical Guide — long questionnaire
This dangerous substances e-tool will give you an overview of the safety and health hazards associated with dangerous substances and chemical products in the workplaces of your company. Based on your input, you will get tailored, company-specific advice on how to apply good practices and measures, and on how to follow the relevant rules and regulations. If you take the recommended action, you will effectively reduce the risks caused by dangerous substances and chemical products in your workplace.
EU-OSHA is very grateful to PREVENT, Sweden, and the author of the Swedish KEMIGuiden, Ann-Beth Antonsson, for providing the KEMIGuiden as the basis for the development of EU-OSHA’s Dangerous Substances E-tool.