Effective return-to-work policies
Effective Return-to-work is a concept encompassing all procedures and initiatives aiming at facilitating the workplace reintegration of persons who experience a reduction in work capacity or capability, whether due to invalidity, illness or ageing. policies have the following elements in common:
- Monitor sickness rates and processes: Tracking sickness absence is important to identify where there is need for action. Setting clear objectives for Return-to-work is a concept encompassing all procedures and initiatives aiming at facilitating the workplace reintegration of persons who experience a reduction in work capacity or capability, whether due to invalidity, illness or ageing. processes (e.g. revised work targets, reduction in cost of sickness benefit, etc.) helps identify where the process works and where it needs to be improved.
- Foster a supportive workplace: Return-to-work is a concept encompassing all procedures and initiatives aiming at facilitating the workplace reintegration of persons who experience a reduction in work capacity or capability, whether due to invalidity, illness or ageing. needs to be discussed in an open and supportive way. Communicating openly with workers encourages early reporting of health problems, which significantly increases the likelihood of a successful outcome. The reasons for workplace adaptations for returning workers need to be communicated to colleagues while respecting confidentiality.
- Prevent reoccurrence: Work with an occupational healthcare provider to understand the underlying causes of recurring illness or injury and take remedial measures.
- Ensure consistent communication: Keep in close contact with the worker and others involved throughout the Return-to-work is a concept encompassing all procedures and initiatives aiming at facilitating the workplace reintegration of persons who experience a reduction in work capacity or capability, whether due to invalidity, illness or ageing. process. Depending on the situation and company this may include the employer, OSH advisor, health insurer and any providers of medical or Vocational (or occupational) rehabilitation aims at enabling people with physical or mental impairments or disabilities to overcome barriers to accessing, maintaining or returning to employment or another useful occupation. (taking into consideration medical confidentiality).
- Consider practical measures to support the returning worker: Discuss the needs of the worker before they come back. As far as is feasible, come up with a plan together on how working conditions can be adapted to accommodate those needs. Workplace changes include adaptations of the workstation, more
Flexible work enables both individual and organisation needs to be met through making changes to the time (when), location (where) and manner (how) in which an employee works. (Source)
schedules, e.g. for attending treatment or medical appointments, or reduced work targets. - Promote sustainability: Once the injured or ill employee has returned to work, make sure you check progress with them regularly. Encourage them to discuss the impact of the workplace changes and any further support they might need. They should also be reminded to keep you updated as their health condition changes so that these can be addressed.